nga rgyal - Pride
The mental poison which is really mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes in an impure form is nga rgyal. This term is actually easy to learn, as you will see.
nga is me. rgyal means king. Thus, nga rgyal is 'me king', or the word for pride. It's easy to see the connection between the single words and the actual term.
So, if someone is very self-centric, the wisdom of equanimity is impure, if one is no longer self-centric, the wisdom of equanimity is shining.
Next, the dhyani Buddha associated with this wisdom.
nga is me. rgyal means king. Thus, nga rgyal is 'me king', or the word for pride. It's easy to see the connection between the single words and the actual term.
So, if someone is very self-centric, the wisdom of equanimity is impure, if one is no longer self-centric, the wisdom of equanimity is shining.
Next, the dhyani Buddha associated with this wisdom.