ye shes lnga - Five Wisdoms

Well, to get there, certain ordinary parts and consciousnesses have to be purified. When that's done, they actually operate with transcendental wisdom, that's all. That's why again the Sakya presentation of Samsara and Nirvana being of the same taste is interesting, as it points out that all the material is available, it's just a matter of transforming it.
We will go through the ye shes lnga, one at a time, and for each also show the connection to various other parts, such as mental poisons, aggregates, Buddha families, symbolism, and so on. So this will take a while, but as part of that you will learn a lot of Tibetan Buddhist terminology, as well as see the deep interdependent connections all kinds of parts you didn't even expect. And next time you look at a Buddhist picture, you would know what various parts represent, it's all encoded in there, and you learn to decipher it!
Anyway, I hope by taking the ye shes lnga as the anchor point this will be a somewhat different kind of presentation.