Complete Sentence - Karma is movement of the mind and what it brings about

Ok, now we have the second line from the fourth chapter of Abhidharma-Kosha defining what karma really is:

(click on the picture for a bigger image)..

de ni
points at the the earlier sentene that talked about las (karma). So karma is sems pa, movement of the mind, dang (and) des (by that) byas (creates). In this case I translated it with a more flexible approach: Karma is movement of the mind and what it brings about.

Feel free to look up this sentence inside Abhidharma-kosha. It's also very good to memorize these two sentences. I someone asks you what's the Buddhist worldview about how the world is created, you could use the first line of chapter four, and if someone asks what is karma then, you use the second line, so you sound like a Geshe!